Dana Kampanye

Kampanye adalah sebuah tindakan politik bertujuan mendapatkan pencapaian dukungan, usaha kampanye bisa dilakukan oleh peorangan atau sekelompok orang yang terorganisir untuk melakukan pencapaian suatu proses pengambilan keputusan di dalam suatu kelompok, kampanye biasa juga dilakukan guna mempengaruhi, penghambatan, pembelokan pecapaian, Dalam sistim politik demokrasi, kampanye politis berdaya mengacu pada kampanye elektoral pencapaian dukungan, dimana wakil terpilih atau referenda diputuskan. Kampanye politis tindakan politik berupaya meliputi usaha terorganisir untuk mengubah kebijakan di dalam suatu institusi (http://id.wikipedia.org)

Saat ini adalah masa-masa kampanye yang menentukan bagi calon-calon legislatif dan pemimpin negara lainnya. Realita menunjukkan bahwa kampanye partai memakan biaya yang tidak sedikit, atau bahkan bisa dikatakan dana yang sangat besar. Digunakan untuk mencetak kaos, spanduk, bendera, topi, dan lain sebagainya. Cobalah kita sejenak membayangkan bila Anda yang mempunyai dana sebesar itu untuk digunakan, apa yang akan Anda lakukan? Tentunya banyak yan berpikir untuk menggunakannya demi kepentingan pribadi, namun bila kita telusur lebih dalam,,,bila kita berpikir untuk sebuah pembaharuan negara dalam arti yang sebenarnya,,,Betapa lebih baik dana itu digunakan untuk memperbaiki jalan-jalan yang rusak, berlubang dan tidak cukup mendapatkan perhatian dari pemerintah. Kampanye sebenarnya menurut saya berarti bertindak, bertindak secara nyata, demi kesejahteraan masyarakat.Betapa lebih baik bila dana digunakan untuk mendukung pembangunan sarana dan prasarana di desa-desa. Puskesmas, telepon umum, apotek, lapangan olahraga, tempat rekreasi. Maaf untuk mengatakan hal ini, namun apakah petinggi-petinggi parpol kehabisan ide kampanye sehingga memakai jalan yang itu-itu saja? Betapa lebih baik bila dana itu digunakan untuk membangun panti asuhan, panti jompo, rumah ibadah, perbaikan museum. Apakah parpol memikirkan nasib mereka yang ada di Situ Gintung? Datanglah dan bantulah mereka sampai Anda tak punya untuk diberikan. Maka Anda tak akan perlu mencetak berbagai macam tanda parpol untuk kampanye, karena nama Anda tidak akan ada di mata mereka, tetapi di hati mereka.

by : fairy_lady

Kampanye dan Lingkungan

Di hari kedua kampanye bersama tertanggal 17 Maret 2009 bahkan pada waktu sebelumnya, dapat kita lihat jumlah spanduk dengan beragam ukuran dipasang oleh berbagai partai politik. Spanduk parpol nasional, sosialis, hingga religius menyemarakkan pemandangan kota-kota di seluruh penjuru Indonesia. Tak terkecuali di jalan raya kota besar seperti Jalan Penjernihan di kawasan Jakarta Selatan. Spanduk dipasang dalam radius tertentu dengan berbagai bentuk dan warna agar menarik perhatian. Satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah kurangnya kepedulian terhadap lingkungan. Spanduk yang dipantek pada pohon, ditempel pada tiang listrik, serta bendera yang berlebihan pada tempat-tempat kecil mempengaruhi kebersihan dan ketertiban kota. Aturan dan hukum memang tidak membatasi pemasangan spanduk, namun alangkah baiknya bila kampanye parpol lebih memperhatikan kepedulian pada lingkungan hidup.

by : fairy_lady (telah dimuat pada koran indopos Rabu, 21 Maret 2009)

Butuh kebahagiaan? (need happiness?)

Tidak butuh apapun bagi kita untuk merasa bahagia,
yang kau perlukan hanya hatimu

No need anything to feel happy,
all you need is your heart

Apakah Anda setuju? Bahwa kebahagiaan tidak butuh apapun untuk Anda tukarkan kecuali hati. Apakah Anda bahagia dengan keluarga Anda saat ini? Apakah Anda bahagia dengan pekerjaan Anda saat ini? Apakah Anda bahagia dengan apa yang Anda miliki saat ini? Tidakkah Anda ingin keluarga yang lebih baik, pekerjaan yang lebih baik, pakaian dan kemewahan? Apakah Anda sudah puas dengan keadaan saat ini? Jika jawabannya ya, maka Anda akan setuju dengan pernyataan di atas. Kebahagiaan tidak butuh blackberry, rumah baru, pasangan lain, makanan enak, dan lain sebagainya. Apakah jika Anda mendapatkan blackberry, Anda baru merasa bahagia? Anda merasa rela melepaskan hidup Anda setelah apa yang Anda inginkan terjadi? Tuhan memberi kita kebahagiaan bukan dengan memberi apa yang kita inginkan, tetapi apa yang kita butuhkan. Tuhan menjanjikan kelimpahan dan kebahagiaan, pada mereka yang merasa ingin mendapatkannya. Bukan mereka yang ingin sesuatu untuk ditukarkan dengan kebahagiaan, seperti yang terjadi bila Anda ingin sebuah rumah baru dan baru akan bahagia setelah mendapatkannya. Percayalah bahwa Tuhan tahu apa yang Anda butuhkan dan pada saat yang tepat pada orang yang tepat, Tuhan akan memberikan kebahagiaan untuk Anda

by fairy_lady

Kenikmatan Sejati (Real Pleasure)

Kenikmatan sejati terletak bukan pada apa yang ada pada tangan kita,
tetapi pada apa yang ada di hati kita

Real pleasure is not on what is in our palms,
but on what is inside our heart

Sebuah kisah bercerita mengenai seseorang yang buta. Sebagai seorang manusia tentu ia makan. Coba bayangkan kalau Anda buta dan makan. Apakah karena Anda buta, makanan itu jadi tak terasa? Tidak, makanan itu tetap terasa. Meski tidak ada dalam genggaman tangan, tapi rasa tetap dirasakan. Seperti halnya kenikmatan, bukan apa yang terlihat, bukan apa yang digenggam, tapi apa yang ada di hati. Jika Anda merasakan makanan itu dengan hati, tidak ada yang mustahil untuk menikmati rasanya seperti halnya orang yang tak buta.

Pak Bambang, diceritakan kembali oleh fairy_lady

Thank You

Who are you?
Who appear unexpectedly in my live
Who sway away my fear and tear
Who come and vanquish my alter ego

When it is sunny or raining
When I looked marvelous or desperate
When the world covered by darkness or light
When I hurt inside or bleeding outside

Why the wind blows smoothly
Why the obstacles seems better
Why my heart feels comfort
Why am I having this confidence

Thank you for being beside me..

by : fairy_lady

Love by Life

Light to my heart
Overwhelming with the warmth
Vanquishes all the arrogance
Endures tension caused by

Love is not only a word
It is a prove of a
Feeling for the only one
Even more day by day

by : fairy_lady

An Ode to The Lost Tale

Remember the first time you
Looked up to the sky and smiled
And felt raindrops on your face
Or the soft cress of the wind

How long, how long has it been
If you ever did it all
See these stars shine upon us
On this world of ghastly grey

How long has it been my dear
Since the colours fade away
From our faces from our lives
Away from the world itself

Remember those long lost times
When you could drink up your ale
Let your fragile soul set sail
And follow the nightingale

by : Dawn


Soaring and flying in the field of dreams
Aches and pains, are they exist?
Consider it as a prove of love
Rebellion from your own feeling
Into your deepest heart should you ask
Fear is your greatest weakness
Immortality is your reward
Come and realize
Eternal love is destined

by : fairy_lady

The Dance

Consciousness expresses itself through creation
This world we live in is the dance of the creator
Dances come and go in the twinkling of an eye
But the dance lives on
On many an occasion I am dancing
I have felt touched by something sacred
In those moments
I felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exists

I become the stars and the moon
I become the lover and the beloved
I become the victor and the vanquished
I become the master and the slave
I become the singer and the song
I become the knower and the known
I keep on dancing...
Then it is the eternal dance of creation
The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy
I keep on dancing...and dancing...and dancing
Until there is only the dance

by : Michael Jackson

Dying Embers

Memories of the old days burned in my head
Memories of a time when we were together
When we faced obstacles hand-in hand
When we shed tears and shared the laughter

Alas, memories they were
Memories I could only dream of returning to

For here I stand now
Alone amidst the bustling world
Trying in vain to keep up the pace
Fearing the future I would have to face

My hearts long for the carefree life
With my parents ever present to aid
My soul longs for some peace in life
Peace all sought but none could make

Years ago my parents ceased giving direction
Submerged in their own matters, they would not listen
I craved for their long lost loving attention
A forlorn hope nothing could make happen

For here I cower now
Alone amidst a deadly world
No more laughter no more smiles
Life once blissful now all cries

by : Dawn

The Journey of Our Lives

(a tribute to my grandparent's diamond wedding-anniversary)
The past is but a mere memory

Of the toils and tears, laughter and cries

Of the pain, suffering and bliss

In a world less perfect than we wished

The trials and travails we have endured

What I have said, what I left unsaid

What I have done, what can’t be undone

All the joy we’ve had for the past sixty years

As this life stands witness to our journey

We cherish the times we have had as one

And keep our gaze towards a better tomorrow

For our hearts our hopes our aims are one

Aims for the future laid before us

A winding path yet to be traveled

Another story yet to be told

A radiant wish for you and me

When the winds of change blow our way

And nothing around us stays the same

Know that our love shall stand firm

Never to waver, never to fail

And up to the stars we gaze

A testament of faith and destiny

A symbol of our love and hope

A promise that the best is yet to be

by : Dawn


Today is just like the others
I'm not alright I've cried my last tears
I'm bleeding out my pain as you scream at me
You've got me waiting by myself
I never wanted more than this
What will it take to get the truth

I'm on my knees
Another page of I'm sorry addressed to me
Another story for the collection
of memories folded neatly
And I will never make the same mistake
Give me on good reason why I should let go now

ISA (termination)

I put all my trust on your promises
Smile and think people understand me
I close my eyes and float above dreams
I believe the warmth will stay in my heart

Then when I open my eyes, my smile fade away
I find myself chained, and each of you torture and burn me
I plea and howl, but the bridle hold my voice
I took my last breathe, swayed my eyes on you

I can't believe those faces who love me
Are those faces who kill me
My mistake to put all my trust on
And now you take all, my life from me

by : Anonymous

Torturement of reality

Break up the "rule"
Living in your consciousness
And stick your head in the game
More storms come over
Even if you are never ready to them

Years past by
Orders become usual and rhythmic
Undefined will can't be expressed
Roaring and burning inside your heart
Should us give up to the fact?
Evolving your everything to something you don't recognize
Luring circumstances around you
Falling and going fragile by the time

by : fairy_lady

A True Friend

A true friend never walks away
A true will always stay
A true friend looks out for you

A true friend will guard your secrets
Like a precious gift
A true friend is there for you
To give you a helpful lift

A true friend tries to make you smile
Tries to replace that frown
They may not always succeed
But they rarely let you down

Special One

These arms for you are opened
This heart for you does care
And when I think you need me
I'll try to always be there

I'll listen to your tears
I'll promise not to laugh
Comfort your falling tears
I'll make this friendship last

I'll keep you near to my heart
I'll always hold you dear
Even when we're miles apart
Even when you're here

I hope I am to you
Everything you are to me
For the friendship we have
is special one indeed

by : Anonymous

On a Silent Night

When did smiles become so fragile
A single misstep could shatter them
I wish I could take my feelings
And shine them through the endless dark
Until they reach you, under a star-filled sky
I'll always be by your side, to keep you warm
And hold you in my arms
Even if we're far away
We'll see each other again
On a silent night
I'll hold you in my arms

by : Anonymous

Meet Again

I'm waiting for you on this silent night
To find that lost smile
A bit of time has passed since then
The memories are slowly returning
To the place where the stars glisten
I'm always hoping that you are always smiling
Even though you are far away
We can meet again someday

by : Anonymous

Yours and Mine

Your figure is similar to mine
It shakes my heart more than having to cry quietly
People say that you're happier not knowing anything
But I'm sure that I won't be satisfied
I just want to live the life I chose, that's all

Your speed is similar to mine
I have become afraid of that blinding sky
How much longer do I have to keep trying
The two of us together can do things without quitting

by : Anonymous

Love and wine

Images of you pass through my face
Running here and there like a race

Rescued me from my deepest sorrow
And made me realized there is still tomorrow

Engulfed me with flames of love

You made the moonlight looks softer

Named by love and peace

You share joy to all pally face

Even with a single smile upon your face

You can make rain fade away in one pace

Mermaid of joy and happiness

Under Christ you cure our illness

Lessons of live you've given to us
Arrests cowardliness and anger inside us

Never knew you were the girl in my dreams

Vacillation about life that rust

Imprisoned my love and thrust

Encouraged by your smile

Now I know love is more than wine

by : Dawn

Love now

I've been working so hard
Racing against time for your heart

Everybody else may try

Not one could take you away from me

Each time I heard your voice

Strange feelings came up from my heart

And now I know what to do

Next time I meet you, I'll say..

Just for you to know
After so long I searched

You're my only love

All I've got is just for you

Love is a feeling
A feeling I never knew before

A feeling that makes you feel strange

A feeling I'm feeling right now
by : Dawn

Music for our life

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About Me

Foto saya
I am just an ordinary girl with extraordinary dreams. I love God, my family, friends, even enemy (I don't remember if I have any but I promise to try). I love art and literature,I love to think therefore I am here to share. I love to encourage others while needed and wanted. You can contact me if you want to, through e-mail, facebook and twitter

More About Me

Anak kampus London School of Public Relations - Jakarta yang dapat tugas buat blog dengan jumlah komentar tidak tanggung-tanggung dan inilah hasilnya. Jangan pernah merasa ragu memberi komentar karena artinya bantuan bagi seseorang yang perlu mendapatkannya. Thanks!

Nama blog ini maginarywing yang berarti sayap imajiner. Mungkin kita pikir pendapat kita bukan apa-apa bagi lingkungan kita, negara bahkan dunia. Tapi ingat untuk selalu melihat setengah gelas penuh daripada setangah gelas kosong. Satu suara cukup berarti untuk didengar. Katakan pendapatmu, jangan ragu karena orang bisa bermimpi dan terbang di sini. Bersama sayap imajiner, bersama mereka yang juga berharap memiliki sayap dan membawa perubahan.

Hasil hasil kreasi sayap imajiner juga ada, jadi jangan heran liat puisi atau cerita nempok di sini ya haha


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